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CAB, CourseTools, Canvas and Self Service Banner support the first two weeks of classes, “Shopping" - Knowledgebase / Teaching Learning and Research / - OIT Service Center

CAB, CourseTools, Canvas and Self Service Banner support the first two weeks of classes, “Shopping"

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CAB, CourseTools, Canvas and Self Service Banner are used by faculty, students and staff to support the first two weeks of classes, or “Shopping.”

  • Faculty upload syllabi to be viewed by students and advisors using CourseTools.
  • Students review syllabi and access Canvas course sites using CAB.
  • Faculty give assignments or use other Canvas tools to determine which students should participate in their course using Canvas.
  • Faculty communicate with prospective* and registered students using Self Service Banner.

Note: Starting two weeks before the first day of classes and ending two weeks after the first day of classes, “shopping period,” students that have shown an interest in a course by placing it in their primary shopping cart in Courses@Brown ( are considered “prospective students" and will have access to the courses' associated Canvas sites.  Prospective students that do not fully register for the course will be removed from Canvas course sites at the conclusion of "shopping period." 



What do 

you need to do?

Self Service Banner, SSB





Email registered students, prospective* students or both.

Faculty use course email from class lists, Self Service Banner


View list of prospective* students. 


CAB displays up-to-

date enrollment #s. 


Canvas people tool displays names. 

Communicate with registered students throughout the semester

Faculty use Banner course email from Self Service Banner Class List page  and directly. 


Canvas sends internal messages; but students can opt out of notifications & need to be instructed to look within Canvas or to change settings. 

Request Course Tools.


Faculty (Staff) CourseTools.


Upload course syllabus to support “shopping.”


Faculty (Staff) upload- CourseTools. 


Replace or remove course syllabus displayed in CAB. 


Faculty (Staff) CourseTools.


Access course syllabi.


Fac, staff, & students use CAB.  


Access current course syllabus for enrolled students.  


Registered students go to Canvas sites. 

Register for courses. 

Students DROP &  change Grade Options in SSB.

Students access Banner course registration within CAB. 


Students accessCanvas course materials during shopping period.


CAB displays link to Canvas sites for registered & 

prospective* students  


Registered & prospective* students access materials in Canvas sites.

Faculty use Canvas tools during shopping period. 


Registered & prospective* students can both participate.>

Enter midterm & final grades.

Faculty input  grades- Banner.


Generate & use Course Override Codes

Faculty generate codes using Self Service Banner: 

Students enter override codes in CAB. 



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