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Adobe Creative Cloud FAQ - Knowledgebase / Software / Adobe - OIT Service Center

Adobe Creative Cloud FAQ

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How do I install the software?

  • If you already installed Brown's Adobe Creative Cloud applications (the software that was previously available as individual downloads on the software site) on your Brown-owned computer, be sure to run the Adobe Remove Volume License tool before you begin. Otherwise, you will be unable to use your installed Adobe applications.
  • Whether you are installing on a personal computer or a Brown-owned computer, follow the instructions at

Who can download and install Creative Cloud at Brown?
Active students (undergraduate, graduate, medical), staff, and Brown-paid faculty. 

What applications are included in this package?
Our subscription includes all the desktop applications listed in Adobe's "Complete" plan

What about mobile apps?
You can sign into mobile apps. As soon as you type in your Brown email address, you should see the option to sign in with an Enterprise ID. Click that option, and you'll see a regular Brown login screen.

Are cloud features available for Brown accounts?
Yes. If you saw a message that said "Contact Your IT Administrator" because a feature was unavailable in the past, please try again. As of September 2015, these features should be functional. You can sign into mobile apps and use shared libraries.

Can I switch from my personal plan to Brown's Enterprise licensed version?
Yes, it basically involves signing out of your account and signing in again with your Brown account. See the "Upgrading" section of our instructions for full details. Signing out does not cancel your personal subscription, but you can do so with these instructions from Adobe.  

What if I only see options to buy, not install, the applications?
First, did you choose "Enterprise ID" when prompted for a login method? If you're unsure, log out and in again.  Second, are you eligible to download the software (are you an active student, staff, or Brown-paid faculty member)? If you are new to Brown, you may not appear in Adobe's list immediately; contact the Service Center to make sure your account has been provisioned with Adobe. If you continue to see prompts to buy instead of install the software and are migrating from a personal subscription, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling Creative Cloud.

Does Brown's Two-Step Verification work with Creative Cloud?
Yes. Older versions of Creative Cloud had an issue loading the two-step screen. If you are having this issue, try reinstalling the Creative Cloud application (Step 1 here).

What if I graduate or leave Brown? Will this software continue to work?
This software is intended only for those actively affiliated with Brown. As of Spring 2020,
graduating students can visit Adobe's article "Transfer assets across accounts or profiles" for details on manually migrating your assets into another account. Adobe will offer a discount on your first year of their paid service if you visit this link. If you don't plan on continuing an Adobe subscription, you can export your assets and store them in your Brown Google Drive. Your Drive will be migrated to an "" account and will continue to be yours after you graduate.

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