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Use Passcodes with Two-Step Verification - Knowledgebase / Accounts and Passwords / Two-Step Verification - OIT Service Center

Use Passcodes with Two-Step Verification

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Generate Codes

There are several options for generating codes as method of authentication. You can use whatever method is most convenient to you at the time you are prompted.


  • Text message passcode
    Request a set of passcodes be sent to your phone by text message. Choose the phone as your device, and select  click Text message passcode
  • App
    Press the Brown logo  in the Duo app on  to generate a bypass code. It will work even if you do not have a cell or data signal on your phone.

Passcode Expiration

  • Codes sent by text message can only be used once per code. 
  • Codes from a token or from the Duo Mobile app - When you press the button on a token or click the key icon in the app, a code is displayed. This code can only be used once. Next time you request a code in this manner, you will see a different code.
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