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Request Access to Cognos Analytics - Knowledgebase / Business Systems / Cognos Analytics - OIT Service Center

Request Access to Cognos Analytics

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Cognos Analytics is a reporting and analytics tool that provides reports on University data. Reports are available for many applications such as Banner, Coeus, Course Evaluations, 25Live and more. 

Reports are organized in folders, and OIT grants users access to specific folder(s). Jump to folder descriptions.

Eligibility Requirements

Folders have an eligibility requirement(s) to obtain access. For example, you may need to be an employee in a specific department or have access to another application. 

Your supervisor will be notified when you request access to a Cognos Analytics folder(s). It's a good idea to discuss your Cognos Analytics access needs with your supervisor before you submit a request. 

Request a Cognos Analytics Folder(s)

  1. Create a ticket (for you or someone else).
  2. From the Select a request type drop-down list, select ACCESS Request.
  3. From the sub-category drop-down list that appears, select COGNOS ANALYTICS Access Request
  4. Complete the required fields on the form.
  5. Use the table below to help you select up to 4 Cognos Analytics folders.
    NOTE: To request more than 4 folders, list additional folders in the additional details field at the bottom of the form.

Folder Descriptions

Folders in bold font below may be appropriate for administrative users in academic departments—discuss with your supervisor which folders are right for you. 

AthleticsShared folder for content developed and/or used by Athletics department users. This folder grants access to these packages:
  • Financial Aid
  • Financial Records
  • Registration Override Requests
  • Student
  • Student (Departmental)
Banner Security ReportsBanner security reports developed and maintained by the OIT Database Services team. Access to  this folder grants access to the Banner Security package.
BioMed Grants ReportsHuron Research Suite Grants reports for BioMed users. Access to this folder grants access to the Grants package. Continent is developed and maintained by BioMed and the Research Administration Information Systems team.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Huron Research Suite first to request this folder.
Brown Card Office ReportsFor Brown Card Office users, this folder contains legacy CBORD Odyssey PCS system reports on Bear Bucks transaction and card balance data (May 2, 2005–June 3, 2022). Access to this folder grants access to the Bear Bucks Legacy package. Content is developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
Campus LifeShared folder for content developed and/or used by Campus Life users. Access to this folder grants access to the Student package.
C-CURE Library ReportsFor users in the Library, this contains reports on Brown card swipe library card reader locations.  Access to this folder grants access to the  C-CURE Transactions package. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team and Institutional Research.
CIS DevelopersFor OIT Business Intelligence Team.
CIS Help DeskFor OIT Help Desk users. Access to this folder grants access to the Admission and Student packages.
CIS Operations CenterFor OIT Operations Center users.
Cognos Activity Audit Reports (OIT Only)Audit reports delivered by Ironside Group to audit Cognos Analytics  usage.  (Delivered audit reports can be found in the Audit package folder.)
Cognos User License Reports (OIT Only)Reports developed by the BI and DBA teams to monitor user license assignments, group  membership, and folder permissions. Access to this folder grants access to  the User License package.
Conflict of Interest ReportsFor users in the Office of Research Integrity and Research Administration Information Systems (RAIS). Access to this folder grants access to the Conflict of Interest package. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team and RAIS.
Course CartFor users who need access to course cart data reports. Access to this folder grants access to the Student package. Content developed and maintained by the Registrar's Office.
Course Feedback Reports

For academic departments users. Access to this folder grants access to the TPAC Teaching Evaluation and Course Evaluation packages. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to the Course Feedback system (EvaluationKit) first to request this folder.
Dining Services ReportsFor Dining Services users, this folder contains reports on the following historical CBORD Odyssey meal plan data: 
  • contract information from HMS system for end dates 5/18/12–1/1/23
  • usage data from PCS system for transactions dated 1/2/18–6/3/22

This folder grants access to the Dining Services Legacy package. Content developed and maintained by OIT Business Intelligence Team.

DOF ReportsFolder for content developed and/or used by Dean of the Faculty users. Access to this folder grants access to the Student package.
Emergency ReadinessSubfolder  in Registrar > Accessible by Other Offices for users who need access to  student emergency contact information reports. Access to this folder grants  access to this package(s): Student. 
EMSR ReportsFor Warren Alpert Medical School staff to create and run Electronic Medical Student Record (EMSR) reports. This folder grants access to the EMSR Moldel data module. Content maintained by Warren Alpert Medical School staff.
Enrollment Planning and AnalysisFor users in the Provost's Office, this folder contains reports for enrollment planning and analysis. This folder grants access to the Admission, Financial Aid, and Student packages. Content developed and maintained by the Provost's Office.
Faculty Affairs ReportsFor users in the Office of Institutional Research and faculty affairs offices (in BioMed, Dean of the Faculty, and School of Public Health). Access to this folder is granted with access to the Faculty Affairs and Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) packages.
Financial Records ReportsFolder for legacy (pre-fiscal year 2014) financial records reports (divided into subfolders).  Access to this folder grants access to this package(s): Financial  Records.
Prerequisite:  Due to the age of this data, access  will be granted on a case-by case basis when there is a demonstrated special need. When requesting this folder, in the Message field describe the reason for your request and include your department number.
Graduate School

Shared folder for Graduate School administration users to save content. Content developed and maintained by the Graduate School. Access to this folder grants access to the following packages:

  • Admissions (limited to GR student level)
  • Accounts Receivable
  • CASHNet v.522 and 5 SAR
  • Student

Additionally, access to this folder grants access to the Admission Reports folder and consumer access to the Graduate School Reports for Departments folder including access to the following packages:

  • GSIM
  • GSIM Post 2015
  • Registration Override Requests
  • Student (Departmental)
Graduate Student Events Reports

This folder provides reports for SPS and Grad School users who plan graduate student events. This folder grants access to the Admission and Student packages. Content developed and maintained by the Graduate School.

Grants Reports for DepartmentsHuron Research Suite Grants reports for departments. Access to this folder grants access to the Grants package. Content developed and maintained by the Research Administration Information Systems team.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Huron Research Suite first to request this folder.
HR Legacy ReportsSubfolder  in Human Resources Reports for reports against legacy (pre-FY13) HR data.  Access to this folder grants access to this package(s): Human Resources.  Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
Human Subjects ReportsFor users in the Office of Research Integrity, this folder provides Institutional Review Board (IRB) reports. It grants access to the Human Subjects package. Most content developed by the Research Administration Information Systems (RAIS) Team.
Institutional Equity and Diversity ReportsShared  folder for users in the Office of Institutional Diversity & Equity to save content.  Access to this folder grants access to this package: Student.
Institutional ResearchShared  folder for users in the Office of Institutional Research to save content.  Access to this folder grants access to this package(s): Admission, Student.
Labor Distribution Reports (legacy)For  departmental users, it contains legacy (pre-fiscal year 2014) payroll data. Access to this folder  grants access to the Labor Distribution package. Content developed and  maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
Prerequisite:  Due to the age of this data, access  will be granted on a case-by case basis when there is a demonstrated special need. When requesting this folder, in the Message field describe the reason for your request and include your department number.
Legacy BioMed Sponsored Projects ReportsFor BioMed users. Access to this folder grants access to the legacy Sponsored Projects package. The last nightly Coeus data warehouse refresh occurred 12/16/24. Continent is developed and maintained by BioMed and the Research Administration Information Systems team.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Coeus first to request this folder.
Legacy IACUC ReportsFor users  in the Office of Research Integrity, this contains Institutional Animal Care and Use  Committee (IACUC) reports. Access to this folder grants access to the IACUC package. Content developed and maintained by the Office of  Sponsored Projects.
NOTE: This folder includes access to Lab Animals Reports for users  in the Office of Research Integrity who work with InfoEd Lab Animals data.
Legacy IRB ReportsFor users in the Office of Research Integrity, this contains Institutional Review Board (IRB) reports. Access to this folder grants access to the IRB package. Most content developed by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
Legacy RAIS Senior Management ReportsFor OSP  Senior Management only. This grants access to the Sponsored Projects package and provides access to the following folders:
  • Legacy Sponsored Projects Reports for Departments 
  • Legacy RAIS Sponsored Projects Reports sub folders:
    • Activity Reports for Senior Management
    • Crosstab Activity Reports - Proposal, Awards, Expenses
    • Standard Monthly Reports: Proposal and Award Activity

Prerequisite: Users must have access to Coeus  first to request this folder.

Legacy RAIS Sponsored Projects ReportsShared  folder for users in Research Administration Information Systems (RAIS) to save content.  Access to this folder grants access to the Sponsored Projects package. The last nightly Coeus data warehouse refresh occurred 12/16/24.
 Content developed and maintained by RAIS.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Coeus  first to request this folder.
Legacy School of Public Health Sponsored Projects  ReportsSponsored  Projects reports for the School of Public Health. Access to this folder  grants access to the Sponsored Projects package. The last nightly Coeus data warehouse refresh occurred 12/16/24. Content is developed and  maintained by the School of Public Health.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Coeus  first to request this folder.
Legacy Sponsored Projects Reports for Departments Sponsored Projects reports for departments. Access to this folder grants access to the Sponsored Projects package. The last nightly Coeus data warehouse refresh occurred 12/16/24. Content developed and maintained by the Research Administration Information Systems team.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Coeus  first to request this folder.
Medical School OAFAShared  folder for users in the Medical School Office of Admissions and Financial Aid  to save content. Access to this folder grants access to the Admission Reports folder, the Financial Aid Reports folder, and the following packages:  Admission, Financial Aid, Student. Content is developed and maintained by the  Medical School.
MedRandRShared folder for users in Medical School Records and Registration to save content. Access to this folder grants access to the Accounts Receivable, Admission, Financial Aid, and Student packages. Content developed and maintained by the Medical School.
Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs Departmental ReportsFor users in Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs (PCUG), reports in this folder use the Pre-College and UG Programs package. Content developed and maintained by PCUG.
Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs ReportsFor users in Pre-College and Undergraduate Programs (PCUG) , reports in this folder use the Pre-College and UG Programs package. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
ProvostShared  folder for users in the Office of the Provost to save content. Access to this  folder grants access to this package(s): Financial Records (legacy  pre-FY14).
Prerequisite:  Due to the age of this data, access  will be granted on a case-by case basis when there is a demonstrated special need. When requesting this folder, in the Message field describe the reason for your request and include your department number.
RAIS Grants ReportsShared folder for users in Research Administration Information Systems (RAIS) to save content. Access to this folder grants access to the Grants package. Content developed and maintained by RAIS.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Huron Research Suite first to request this folder.
RAIS Security Reports

For Research Administration Information Systems users to monitor access rights in the InfoEd and Huron systems.

Registrars OfficeShared folder for users in the Office of the Registrar to save content. This folder grants access to these packages: Course Proposal, Student  (Departmental), Student, and Registration Override Requests.
Registrar Office Reports for Departments
For administrative users in academic departments, this folder contains Banner-related reports with course- and student-related information. Content developed and maintained by the Registrar's Office and the OIT Business Intelligence Team. This folder grants access to these packages: Course Proposal (Departmental), Student  (Departmental), and Registration Override Requests.
NOTE:  When requesting this folder, include your department's alpha code(s) in the  Additional Details field. For example, ENGN for Engineering.
Residential Life Reports
For Residential Life users, this folder contains legacy CBORD Odyssey HMS housing reports (June 2012–June 2022). This folder grants access to the Housing Assignment Legacy package. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
Scheduling OfficeThis folder contains 25Live-related reports for the Scheduling Office and grants access to the Event Scheduling package. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
Scheduling Office Reports for Departments25Live  reports for departments. Access to this folder grants access to the Academic Technology services and Event Scheduling packages. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
School of Public Health Grants ReportsSponsored  Projects reports for the School of Public Health. Access to this folder  grants access to the Grants package. Content is developed and  maintained by the School of Public Health.
Prerequisite: Users must have access to Huron Research Suite first to request this folder.
Student AccountsShared folder for users in Student Financial Services to save content. Access to this folder grants access to the Accounts Receivable and CASHNet v.522 and 5 SAR packages plus the Accounts Receivable Reports and Student Health Insurance folders.
Student Health Insurance ReportsFor users in Financial Services and Health Services. Access to this folder grants access to the Accounts Receivable and CASHNet v.522 and 5 SAR packages. Content developed and maintained by the OIT Business Intelligence Team.
The CollegeShared folder for content developed and/or used by users in The College. This folder grants access to these packages: Student, Student (Departmental), Registration Override Requests.
The College—Class-Year AdvisingShared folder for content developed and/or used by the Class Year Advising team within the College. This folder grants access to the Student package.
The College—Co-CurriculumShared folder for content developed and/or used by the Co-Curriculum team within the College. This folder grants access to the Student package.
UG FinAid SharedShared  folder for users in Undergraduate Financial Aid to save content. Access to  this folder grants access to the Financial Aid Reports folder and to the following packages: Financial Aid. Content  is developed and maintained by Undergraduate Financial Aid. 
Undergraduate AdmissionShared  folder for users in the Office of College Admission to save content. Access  to this folder grants access to the Admission package.  Content developed and maintained by the Office of College Admission.

What happens next with my access request?

  1. Your supervisor will be informed by email of your request (but does not need to approve it).
  2. Computing Accounts & Passwords (CAP) assigns approvers for the folder(s) you requested. Approvers verify you are authorized to view the data you requested and sign off on your request.
  3. CAP assigns it to the OIT database administration group, which handles Cognos Analytics security, for final setup.
  4. Once your request is complete, you will receive confirmation emails from CAP and a member of our team.
  5. Now you can sign up for Cognos Analytics training!

Check the status of your request

  • View your access request online:
  • Contact Computing Accounts & Passwords (CAP):  (401) 863-4357,
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