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think-cell Installation Instructions

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Installation Instructions for think-cell

1.  Go to:

2.  Select "Download"

3.  Select "Existing customer"

4.  Enter your email address when asked

5.  Wait for download link in your email

6.  Click download link in email and follow instructions on downloading and installing think-cell

During installation, the software will request a license key.  This key can be obtained here:

Additional Notes: 

Create professional looking presentations for your classes fast using think-cell

Do you use PowerPoint to present in your classes? If so, think-cell – used by most consulting firms - might save you a significant amount of working time and enable you to create professional looking presentations for your coursework. Knowing think-cell could be a valuable skill as you enter the workplace since many employers, including top consulting firms and investment banks, use the software.

Why should you consider using think-cell?

  • Creating your charts takes 70% less time
    Create 40+ chart types, including waterfall, Gantt, and Mekko charts in just 2-3 minutes
  • 90% less time when making alterations
    Automate changes to your charts with think-cell
  • Gain professional skills
    Become proficient with the charting software used by top consulting and investment firms
  • Better results
    Improve your class presentations and impress your audience

How to learn more

Get personalized support, watch helpful video tutorials, or search our user manual here:

  • First: watch an overview of think-cell here
  • Next: create your first chart with the help of this video
  • Want to create another chart? Learn about the 40+ chart types and features here
  • Have Excel data to turn into a chart? Learn how to link and automate data updates here
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