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How to Copy Panopto Sessions

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Updated: 1/10/22: All copies will now be reference copies and not full, independent copies. You will have an option to make a full, independent copy if needed. To Learn more about Reference Copies click here. 

1. Navigate to the desired folder within or outside of Canvas.

2. In the folder view, hover the cursor over the video or audio session you want to copy and select the check box that appears.

3. Once you select one or more session in the folder a series of buttons will appear at the top of the window. Select Copy


4. In the next window you can search for and select the folder you want to copy the session(s) to

5. Click Copy

a green check box will show next to the title when copy is complete.

 You can then close the window.

**The reference copied version will have its own permissions based on the destination folder along with analytics, discussion, and share capabilities from the original session but will be linked to the original stream files for viewers.

To create a full, independent copy please refer to #8 on the Learn about Reference Copy Frequently Asked Questions.

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