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Enable Automatic Captions in Panopto

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Panopto offers automatic captioning for any video or audio files uploaded to a course folder. This option is not on by default but can be easily turned on by following these instructions.

Captions for entire folder

1. Navigate to the course folder which you have Creator access and Click the "Folder Settings" Button in the top right corner.

2. In the Overview Window click on the Settings tab on the left side

3. In the Captions section you will be able to select Automatic Machine Captions from the drop down.

This will provide automatic captions for any new files uploaded to the folder. This setting is not inherited by subfolders and would need to be turned on for any newly created subfolders.

Captions for individual videos

If you need to add automatic captions to existing video or audio files you can do this by hovering your mouse over the video and clicking Settings

On the left side click Captions , select  Automatic Machine Captions from the Request Captions field and click Order.

Following these steps on the folder or video will instantly embed the captions on the video . Viewers can turn on and off captions by clicking the (CC) button at the bottom of the player. Closed captions also provide a searchable transcript next to the video player.

NOTE: Automatic Machine Captions are not intended for accessibility needs. If there is a need for human transcribed captioning for a SAS registered student please contact to have this paid service enabled for your course.

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