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Connect to an Airmedia on a Mac Laptop - Knowledgebase / Teaching Learning and Research / Wireless Projection - OIT Service Center

Connect to an Airmedia on a Mac Laptop

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  1. Connect to the Brown wireless network or Brown Guest
  2. Open the AirMedia application.
  3. When prompted, enter the IP address which is displayed in the bottom-left corner of the touch panel as well as on the projector screen.  
    **Each classroom has a unique IP addresses**
  4. By pressing the up arrow you will begin the Airplay connection.  Follow the on screen directions to connect to the Airmedia via Airplay.
  5. After connecting via AirPlay, you will be asked to provide a passcode. You can find it on the bottom right of the touch panel. 
    **Be sure to deselect “Remember Passcode” as this passcode will change every time a session is ended**
  6. To disconnect, turn off AirPlay on the top menu bar of your Mac.



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