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Cognos Analytics Data Refresh Schedules & Maintenance Window - Knowledgebase / Business Systems / Cognos Analytics - OIT Service Center

Cognos Analytics Data Refresh Schedules & Maintenance Window

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During non-business hours, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) refreshes data and may perform system maintenance.

You should not schedule or subscribe to a report during the times on this page, as the run may fail or not run at all.

Tip: Schedule or subscribe to reports after 8:00 AM to avoid conflicting with the data refresh schedules and maintenance windows.

Maintenance Window

OIT may take Cognos Analytics Production offline for maintenance during the times listed below.

Users Affected


Impact on Records

All Cognos Analytics users

Sundays: 5 AM–Noon

Weekdays:  5 AM–8 AM

Saturdays: 3:30 AM–8 AM

During a maintenance outage, reports or jobs scheduled during this window will fail or not run.

When planned maintenance will result in an outage, OIT will notify Cognos Analytics users ahead of time by email.


Data Refresh Schedules

The following table lists the windows when OIT refreshes data sources used by Cognos Analytics Production. These occur regularly—OIT will not notify you each time they run.

Avoid scheduling reports to run for the package(s) you report against during these times.

Tip: View the package your report uses in the report properties, on the Report tab under Source. 

Data Load
Schedule and
Duration (approx)
Affected Users/
Packages (data)
During data load, schedules/
subscriptions will... 
C-CURE Transactions Load2:00 AM, 2nd day of month

Duration: 5 min
Brown Card Entrance Activity folder users

Package: C-CURE Transactions
Run—data may be inaccurate or incomplete
Coeus Data Warehouse Load
11:00 PM, weekdays

Duration: 60 min
Coeus reporting users
•Sponsored Projects

InfoEd reporting users
•Conflict of Interest
•Lab Animals
Not run, or be terminated

*Data in these legacy packages is not refreshed, however, during this data load reports against these packages will fail.
Course Feedback Load
6:00 AM daily

Duration: 19 min
Course Feedback Reports users

Package: TPAC Teaching Evaluations
Run—data may be inaccurate or incomplete
Event Scheduling*

4:30 AM, Sun–Fri
3:00 AM, Sat

Duration: 1 min

25Live and Scheduling Office reports users

Package: Event Scheduling*
Run—data may be inaccurate or incomplete

*This package includes Banner ODS data items in certain query subjects. Reports with these data items are affected by the ODS (Banner) Refresh and ODS (Banner) Load windows below.

Huron Load
3:00 AM daily

Duration: 25 min
Human Subjects reports users

Package: Human Subjects
Run—data may be inaccurate or incomplete
InfoEd Security ETL3:00 AM daily

Run Time: 11 min
 InfoEd Security Reports Users

Package: InfoEd Security
Run—data may be inaccurate or incomplete
ODS (Banner) Refresh*11:00 PM, Sun–Fri

Duration: 3.5 hours

Banner reporting users

ODS Packages:
•Accounts Receivable*
•Continuing Education*
•Course Evaluation
•Course Proposal
•Course Proposal (Departmental)
•Event Scheduling (only certain query subjects include ODS data)
•Faculty Appointments (course offering data)**
•Financial Aid*
•GSIM Post 2015
•Pre-College and UG Programs
•Registration Override Requests*
•Student (Departmental)

Not run, or be terminated

*These packages also contain Banner real-time data, which is refreshed every 30 minutes (:15 and :45 minutes past the hour). This frequent refresh does not adversely affect subscriptions or scheduled reports and can be ignored when you specify a run time.

**Faculty Appointments package accesses ODS (Banner course offering data) through a database link, which means that reports against this package will run during the refresh and load windows, but ODS data may be incomplete/inaccurate.

ODS (Banner) Load*5:00 PM, Sat

Duration: 9 hours
Person Information Load3:30 AM, Mon–Sat

Duration: 3 min
Brown Card Entrance Activity folder users
Package: C-CURE Transactions
Run—data may be inaccurate or incomplete
Workday Academics Load4:30 AM, daily

Duration: 2 min
Faculty Affairs Reports Users
•Faculty Appointments
Run—data may be inaccurate or incomplete


Why don't I see a data refresh schedule for my package?

Some packages are not refreshed because:

  • they report directly against live Production data
  • the data does not change, like historical data from legacy systems

See Package Data Sources & Refresh Schedules for details about a specific package.

Data Refresh Schedules for Non-Production Environments

If you work in Cognos Analytics QA or Development, see data refresh schedules for non-production environments.

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Location: Page Robinson Hall - 69 Brown St., Room 510

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