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Use a Computer Managed by Remote Management Tools - Knowledgebase / Desktop Computing and Printing / Apple Macintosh Computers - OIT Service Center

Use a Computer Managed by Remote Management Tools

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Brown's IT Support Consultant (ITSC) team and some departmental support staff use remote management software to update your software and provide virtual assistance. The tools we currently use include SCCM (Windows) and Casper (Mac).


Q: Why do we need to use these tools?
These tools are designed to help large organizations deploy updates, patches, and other software to networked computers. By centrally managing patch deployment and software updates, they allow us to reduce the threat of viruses and other security breaches. 

Q: How does SCCM/Casper run on my computer?
They install a small software "agent". This software runs silently, with no user interaction required. 

Q: Will I notice SCCM/Casper in any way?
Yes. At various points you will see a prompt on your screen telling you that a new security patch has been installed and that your computer needs to reboot. You will be given the choice to reboot your computer at that point, or wait until a more convenient time. 

Q: What happens when I am off the Brown network or on wireless?
Your computer will function normally, though it will not be eligible to install software packages when it is on the wireless network. Software will be downloaded and installed the next time you dock your laptop after your computer is eligible for advertised software. You should not worry about a backlog of packages if you've been off the network for a while; the downloaders are generally respectful of your bandwidth.

If a computer is never used on the wired network, talk to your ITSC, and we can make accommodations for you. 

Q: How can I tell if a security update has been installed?
Security updates installed via SCCM will appear in your Add/Remove Programs control panel, just as they would if they were installed through Windows Update. 

Q: What should I do if I think I need a security update but I don't see it in Add/Remove Programs?
Depending on the priority of the update, it may take 24 hours to 1 week before an update is installed. If you have questions or concerns about the deployment schedule, contact your ITSC. 

Q: Can I still install updates myself by using Windows Update?
Yes, although you no longer have to. 

Q: Will I lose Administrator rights to my machine if it is being managed by Remote Desktop Management tools? 
Your administrator rights on your machine will not be removed, and you can continue to install applications you need for your own computer.

Benefits of Remote Desktop Management

  • A consistent experience for administrative computers
  • Provides more accurate information to support staff
  • Streamlines support tasks, which reduces support costs and increases productivity
  • Decreases downtime due to updates
  • Increases security, lowering risk of loss through compromised machines
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