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Upload and Organize Course Files - Knowledgebase / Teaching Learning and Research / Canvas / Designing and Building Your Course - OIT Service Center

Upload and Organize Course Files

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Upload files to Canvas

  1. Log in to Canvas at
  2. Select a course in the Global Navigation menu on the left.
  3. Click Files in the Course Navigation menu.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. Select the file to be uploaded from your computer.
  6. Click Open. The file will appear in the course folder.

Organize files

  1. Click + Folder to create a new folder.
  2. Enter the name of the folder, then press the check box.
  3. Drag and drop files and folders to organize them.
  4. To download, delete a folder or file, hover your mouse over the right side of the item until the gear appears.  Then, press the down arrow and choose your selection.
  5.  To select and edit multiple items at once, select your first item by clicking on the row of the item you would like to select rather than the name of the item.  Then, hold the Ctrl key and click the row of the additional items you'd like to select.  Once one or more items is selected, a toolbar will appear above the list of files and folders.
  6. To change access permissions for a file or folder, click the Manage Access icon [1]. In the dialogue box you can unpublish the file completely, restrict access to students so that files are available with links, or restrict student availability with dates.

  7. To download a file or folder, click the Download icon [2].
  8. To move a file or folder, click the Move icon [3].
  9. To delete a file or folder, click the Delete icon [4].


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