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Transfer Google Photos to a personal Google account - Knowledgebase / Alumni - OIT Service Center

Transfer Google Photos to a personal Google account

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Note: To prevent issues, it may be best to use different browsers to separate accounts. Otherwise, you may have unwanted results.
  1. Within your Brown Google account, set up partner sharing with your personal Google account.
  2. Approve the partner sharing within your personal Google account.
  3. While still in your personal Google account, enable the automatic saving of your partner-shared photos.
  4. It may take some time depending on the amount of photos being transferred but when the process has been completed, remove the partner sharing from your Brown Google account, and begin deleting the Photos from your Brown Google account.
Note: Photos are first sent to Trash. To recover the space used up by these photos, empty your Trash. Otherwise, it will take up to 60 days before they are automatically deleted.
Important: There’s a current bug when saving partner-shared photos. After copying these photos, you may not see any new utilization on your personal account and these photos may claim to not use any storage on your account. This is a bug that is currently being worked on by Google and may be fixed at any time without notice. Make sure that your personal account has enough storage space to cover your Photos’ needs. Otherwise, Google may lock down your personal account until you purchase more storage. This would likely impact email delivery.

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