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Protect Your Computer Against Viruses and Malware - Knowledgebase / Security / Antivirus and Malware - OIT Service Center

Protect Your Computer Against Viruses and Malware

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Anti-malware software detects both viruses and other threats such as trojans and spyware. OIT provides recommendations for protecting your devices from malware.

The software you will use depends on your operating system (Windows or macOS) and whether you have a personally-owned or Brown-owned computer. 

Solutions for your Brown-Owned Computer

If you have a Brown-owned Mac or PC , you should have Crowdstrike's antimalware platform installed automatically. For University-owned equipment capable of running the software, this is required to help ensure the security of your device.

Solutions for your Personally-Owned Computer

If you are a Brown faculty member, staff or student with a personally-owned computer, OIT recommends: 

  • As a second line of defense, you can install Crowdstrike for Home from the OIT software download site. Windows Security (formerly Windows Defender) also provides built-in protection against malware. These efficiently address the ongoing security needs of a Windows-based PC requiring protection from malicious software, such as spyware, viruses, trojans and rootkits.

The commercial "free antivirus for Mac" landscape has changed in recent years, such that none of the modern macOS versions have a full-featured free AV solution. For full real-time protection of a personally-owned device, paid subscription-based solutions are best.

Solutions for your Mobile Device

Since mobile devices are also susceptible to viruses and malware, OIT also recommends that you install an equivalent product on it. Different options, many of which are free, are available depending on your device.

What other Anti-Malware Solutions does OIT recommend?

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an adware and malware removal tool for Windows and Macs. Please note, OIT makes this recommendation as a suggestion and this software should only be run on personal, non-Brown devices.

Uninstalling Anti-Malware Software

Having more than one anti-malware program installed simultaneously can cause issues. The following articles will help you uninstall your software in preparation for installing Brown's recommended software:

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