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Hardware for Digital Handwriting

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The fundamental obstacle for digital annotation is finding the appropriate writing interface. Computer mice and trackpads are poor tools to simulate writing. Ideally, instructors would use a graphics drawing tablet and stylus. Many such options can be found for purchase online. 

Graphics drawing tablets come in two basic varieties: cheaper models that do not include a digital screen (One by Wacom) and more expensive models that use a digital screen to allow you to see as you write (Wacom Cintiq). While the screen on the expensive models is desirable, these models are also more difficult to set up and require more powerful computers. For about the same amount of money, one could purchase an iPad and gain more functionality. 

For these reasons, we suggest interested instructors purchase a model without the screen. These screenless tablets are about as easy to setup and use as a new mouse or keyboard. Here are some recommended tablets:

The IT Service Center has a limited quantity of tablets available for long-term loan to instructors. If you are interested in acquiring one, please email

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