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Grant Options in UFunds - Knowledgebase / Business Systems / UFunds - OIT Service Center

Grant Options in UFunds

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Most of the options available for grants are descriptive, and will appear to applicants on the UFunds home page browse screen. Details on available options is below:

  • Name: The name of your grant as it will appear on the main browse screen.
  • Description: The description of your grant. This will be visible on the browse screen when a user clicks on the grant.
  • Account Number: Optional. If your grant has a single account that payments come from or you want to specify a default account, you can do that here. This account number can be overridden either by the grant period setting of the same name, or on individual awards.
  • Sponsoring Departments: Search here for the appropriate department(s) that are sponsoring the grant. This will be visible as part of the grant details on the browse screen.
  • Active Status: If you want to hide this grant from your own lists, you can unselect this option. Note that this does not affect grant period visibility on the main browse screen.
  • Managers: There is an auto-complete field here to search UFunds grant managers, and “remove” links to delete existing grant managers. Note that before you can add a grant manager, that person must already be in UFunds with the generic grant manager role.
  • Additional Notification Recipient Email: Grant Managers and Approvers will always be notified of application submissions. If there is someone else who needs to know about submitted grant applications, put their email address here.
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