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Elevated User Roles and Permissions in Canvas - Knowledgebase / Teaching Learning and Research / Canvas / Designing and Building Your Course - OIT Service Center

Elevated User Roles and Permissions in Canvas

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Teaching Assistants for your course have special roles and permissions on Canvas as either TAs, Undergraduate TAs or Course Designers. TAs must be graduate students. There is an Undergraduate TA role designed with similar permission as a TA but with limited grading capabilities for undergraduate students.  Course Designers can be undergraduate or graduate students or staff members. You can add these user types to your Canvas site yourself.

TAs, Undergraduate TAs, and Course Designers share the following permissions:

  • Add, edit, and delete pages

  • Add, edit, and delete course files

  • Add, edit, and delete assignments and quizzes *

  • Add, edit, and delete events in the course calendar

  • Change the course state, also known as Publishing the course

  • Post to, edit and delete discussions

  • Post announcements

  • Create web conferences

  • View a list of all users

  • Create, edit, and delete groups

  • View pages for all student groups

*Undergraduate TAs do not have permission by default 

TAs and Undergraduate TAs have the following additional permissions not available for Course Designers:

  • Send messages to the entire class

  • Send messages to individual course members

TAs have the following additional permissions not available for Undergraduate TAs:

  • View and edit grades

  • View course analytics

  • View and comment on all student submissions

Undergraduate TAs can obtain access to SpeedGrader permissions similar to the TA role, upon request by filling out this form.   If you have questions regarding the form, please email

Note: TAs, Undergraduate TAs, Course Designers, and Teachers are not permitted to add or remove students or Auditors to or from the course.
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