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Creating PowerPoint Slides with Animation - Knowledgebase / Teaching Learning and Research / Digital Whiteboarding - OIT Service Center

Creating PowerPoint Slides with Animation

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The least technically complicated solution involves the use of PowerPoint’s animation capabilities to simulate the “writing” of new content. In this scenario, instructors would need to prepare comprehensive PowerPoint presentations ahead of each class. Instructors should:

  1. Structure the presentation so each slide in the presentation would serve to explain a separate concept, or component of a concept. 
  2. Prepare text and images as separate objects within each slide. These objects would then be “animated” to appear in sequential order. 
  3. Be aware that PowerPoint also includes lightweight tools to draw over slides. Instructors can choose to leave white space on slides if they desire to include live drawings. 
  4. Know they may need to include mathematical and other non-standard symbols. Here are instructions

PowerPoint is available for download as part of the Microsoft Office Suite at

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