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Create a New Program

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To create a new program in Brown's curriculum management system, follow the steps below. For a full walkthrough with screenshots, refer to the embedded video above or the PDF at the bottom of the page.

  1. Log in to the Program Management system ( with your Brown credentials. Click the Courseleaf icon to completely log in.
  2. Click the Propose New Program button to launch.
  3. A new editing window will appear for you to begin your proposal. Any field highlighted in red is required – all others are optional. Use the pick lists or radio buttons as you go through the form.
  4. Use the drop down lists to select the effective catalog term, sponsoring academic department, and appropriate level. Continue to make selections from the pick lists for program director, degree, and program type. If you select a Track (TRCK) as the Program Type, you’ll be prompted to select the associated Parent Program.
    NOTE: You will need to complete the Parent Program process before you can create a new Track to associate with it.
  5. Enter the full program title as well as an abbreviated version of 30 characters if necessary. SIS Program Code will be completed by the Office of the Registrar once full approval is secured by relevant governance groups. If this is an Interdisciplinary program, or you are using another department’s courses in program requirements, please indicate the other associated departments in the Affected Departments section. The Department Chair for each affected department will need to approve the program during the workflow process. Note that a rationale for creation of the new program or track is required.
  6. At least one learning objective is required, but you can add additional using the ‘+’ icon. Use the Program Overview section to describe the program details and add any related links to websites that enhance your description (i.e. department website; undergraduate concentrations, graduate school, etc). Please do not list your requirements here. They will be entered in a separate section on the form.
  7. You may enter your program course requirements in this section. The recommended format is to use a Course List for the course requirements. Use the Insert/Edit Formatted Table icon () in the toolbar, then select Course List and click OK.
  8. Select the department sponsoring the courses and the active courses will appear in the selection list. If you need some tips on course list formatting please visit
  9. Select the course and use the arrow button to move it into the Course List on the right. Continue to move courses into the requirements table using the Move Up and Move Down buttons to place them in the correct order in the table.
  10. Use the Add Comment Entry field to place text as a header within the table. The Area Header checkbox will bold the font of the header and you can move it into the right place in the table. Click OK to save.
  11. The table will insert into your requirements section on the form. You can add free text in the area above or below the table if desired.
  12. There is a separate section for Honors requirements and to indicate if there is a Capstone (or Master’s Thesis, for Graduate programs) required for the program.
  13. The fields on the form will change depending on the initial selections. Continue to scroll through the form and complete each section as needed. Required sections will be outlined in red. Once you reach the end of the form, you may Save Changes and return later for editing, or click the Start Workflow button to begin the approval process.
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