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Collaborate on Qualtrics Surveys

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We often get the question, "can I set up a Qualtrics account with a shared password?" Unfortunately, the answer is no (even if we could, we wouldn't recommend it - the account wouldn't be protected by two-step verification, leaving your data at risk).

Since that's not possible, here are some sharing options that might help:

Share a Survey

The simplest way to collaborate in Qualtrics is by sharing your survey. 

The Qualtrics help article Collaborating on a Project describes how to add someone else to your survey and choose the appropriate permissions. You can be very specific about what your collaborators are able to do - for example, you can give them permission to edit the questions but not view responses.

Change Ownership of a Survey

If the owner of a survey will be leaving Brown (or has left already), CIS can reassign ownership of the survey through a request to the IT Service Center. It's simplest if the owner of the survey requests for it to be transferred before leaving because that way we know we have their permission. However, we realize that people don't always remember to do this. Luckily, surveys are not deleted when someone leaves, so we can also transfer them after they leave. We handle this type of request similarly to requests for Google Drive other other data. Either way, you can submit a ticket with the request and we will let you know what information we need to complete the request.

Collaborate in a Group

It's possible to create groups within Qualtrics to collaborate in shared libraries. For example, if you frequently customize your end-of-survey messages or have multiple people editing a contact list, a group might be helpful.

What can you do with a group? You can copy surveys, graphics, files, and messages to group libraries. You can find these instructions in Qualtrics' Survey LibraryGraphics LibraryFiles Library, and Messages Library pages. You will also be able to share Contact Lists with others in your group. 

We only recommend requesting a group if you have needed to share that type of content in the past; groups can only be administered by CIS, so you will have to request additions and deletions to the group and it's somewhat labor intensive. For example, if you only collaborate on individual surveys, it will probably be easier just to share the survey as described in the Share a Survey section of this article.


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