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Cognos Analytics Known Issues - Knowledgebase / Business Systems / Cognos Analytics - OIT Service Center

Cognos Analytics Known Issues

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No Known Issues

There are no known issues in the current version of Cognos Analytics.


The following issues were all  RESOLVED on November 4, 2023 when Brown upgraded from 11.1.7 to the current 11.2.4 version . 

FunctionalityDescriptionIssue ID

External Data

In trying to connect to an external data source, after selecting the Excel file, the OK button doesn’t respond and remains greyed out.

Workaround: Save the Excel file as .xls (from .xlsx) and then the OK button will accept the external data.


Framework Manager

Issue importing DQM model using a SQL Server datasource.

resolved in 11.1.7 fix pack 5


Existing Jobs fails to open with "Failed to retrieve job steps” error. This occurs when the link to an underlying report within the job step definition is broken.

Workaround: Contact the Business Intelligence Team for help if you encounter this error. 


resolved in 11.1.7 fix pack 2

JobsFor the owner of a schedule, credentials (under Properties > Advanced) show the user ID of a different user who does not own the schedule.
Workaround: From the user icon (top-right corner), select My schedules and subscriptions. Here you can see all of the schedules and subscriptions you own. 
resolved in 11.1.7 IF4
JobsEdit email recipients in default for all steps and receive a white screen.
Workaround: Contact the BI Team who can edit the recipients for you. Be sure to include the job name, location, and recipients you wish to add/remove.
6671 | TS007694459
no resolution planned

My schedules and subscriptions

In My schedules and subscriptions, Run once only works for one report and then doesn’t respond for subsequent reports.

Workaround: Refresh the browser tab, and then use Run once again


resolved in 11.1.7 fix pack 2

Package propertiesAfter upgrading from (LTS) to IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1 R4 Advanced routing rules is no longer visible under package propertiesTS003243275
resolved in 11.2.0
Report authoringWhen copying an existing report spec or an newly created report spec in a newly opened Report Studio window, the copied over report spec will not have the routing rules appliedPH22148
resolved in 11.2.0

Report authoring

When adding a data source to a report from the Data folder, the Packages folder shortcut is missing.

Workaround: Navigate to the Packages folder from the Team content icons. OR Instead of adding the data source in report authoring, on the navigation bar, click the Data folder icon, then click Packages, and then for the package you want to work with click … (More), and then select Create report.

resolved in 11.2.3 

Running reports in the backgroundWhen you run a report in the background to be delivered by email as an attachment, the subject line is delivered blank.

Workaround: When you edit email options, click into the Subject field and edit it in some way (for example, type a space) or type a new subject line.
Resolved in 11.1.7 fix pack 3
Running reports in the backgroundWhen you run a report in the background to be delivered by email as an attachment and  in the email To field you add another recipient (in addition to your default user ID), the additional recipient receives the report by email as expected, but you receive an "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" email.

Workaround: When you edit the email options, in the To address field, delete your user ID and replace it with your email address. 
Resolved in 11.1.7 fix pack 2
SchedulesIn a Team content folder, consumers with run permissions cannot save report output versions or schedule reports.

Workaround: upgrade to 11.1.7 fix pack 3
SchedulesIn report properties, unable to click Use my credentials link to take ownership of a schedule.

Workarounds: Either delete the existing schedule and create a new schedule or contact the Business Intelligence Team ( for help changing the owner of a schedule.
Resolved in 11.1.7 fix pack 2
SchedulesIn the Advanced Properties of a schedule, the credentials display another user who is not the schedule owner.resolved in 11.1.7 interim fix 4
Whitelisting email domainsWhitelisting does not work (this is an administrator feature)

Workaround: None

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