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Add a Date Picker to a Qualtrics Question - Knowledgebase / Email and Collaboration / Qualtrics - OIT Service Center

Add a Date Picker to a Qualtrics Question

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The following steps will create a calendar date picker that allows people filling out your survey to choose a date.


  1. Create a Text Entry question

  2. Click the question title to begin editing it

  3. Click the HTML View tab to enter HTML mode

  4. Copy and paste the following text into the HTML view. If desired, you can edit the question title (in this case, it says "Please Choose a Date"). It will look funky, but if you preview the survey or go to the survey link, you will see a calendar.
Please Choose a Date

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script>Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function(){var qid =this.questionId;var calid = qid +'_cal';var y =QBuilder('div'); $(y).setStyle({clear:'both'});var d =QBuilder('div',{className:'yui-skin-sam'},[QBuilder('div',{id:calid}), y ]);var c =this.questionContainer; c = $(c).down('.QuestionText'); c.appendChild(d);var cal1 =new YAHOO.widget.Calendar(calid); cal1.render();var input = $('QR~'+ qid); $(input).setStyle({marginTop:'20px',width:'150px'});var p =$(input).up();var x =QBuilder('div'); $(x).setStyle({clear:'both'}); p.insert(x,{position:'before'}); cal1.selectEvent.subscribe(function(e,dates){var date = dates[0][0];if(date[1]<10) date[1]='0'+ date[1];if(date[2]<10) date[2]='0'+ date[2]; input.value = date[1]+'-'+date[2]+'-'+date[0];})});</script>
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