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Get Tableau

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“We make analyzing data fast and easy, beautiful and useful.”  -Tableau Software

Tableau Software is a company that offers a number of related products that allow individuals and organizations to develop and share interactive data visualizations. 

Examples of Tableau in action:

Use the table below to get free Tableau software, depending on your role.

RoleRequest a licenseIncluded software
Through Tableau for Teaching, instructors can request a FREE single license, bulk lab licenses, or bulk student licenses to the academic suite to use in curriculum or academic research.

See FAQs.
  • Tableau Desktop

  • Tableau Prep

  • Tableau Online

StaffBrown has a limited  number of  Tableau Creator licenses  available for analysis with Brown data. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence @Brown website.

NOTE: When a license is not actively used (or is not expected to be used for a length of time) we ask users to return their license. Users may re-request a license when a need arises.

  • Tableau Desktop

  • Tableau Prep

StudentsLearn and use Tableau software with the Tableau for Students program.
  • Tableau Desktop

  • Tableau Prep

  • eLearning Suite


Tableau Public is free version of Tableau Desktop that allows users to develop and publish interactive data visualizations to the Tableau Public server and optionally embed on a website.  

Work is saved/published to the Tableau Public web servers and owned by Tableau—nothing is saved locally on your computer.

Features include:

  • Support for data sets up to 10 million rows
  • 10 GB storage limit
  • Ability to limit downloading of files from Tableau Public
  • Ability to hide underlying data

If you aren't working with sensitive data, this is a great option to learn Tableau for professional development or to visualize data for a hobby.

Tableau Public


Share and Publish Tableau Visualizations

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Phone: 401-863-4357


Location: Page Robinson Hall - 69 Brown St., Room 510

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