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Manage your SlideShow - Knowledgebase / Web and Online Media / BrownSites v1 / Multimedia - OIT Service Center

Manage your SlideShow

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The SlideShows module displays a series of images and videos in a single place on a page. To see an example, visit the Urban Studies homepage; this page demonstrates how SlideShow Module cycles through images with smooth transitions.

SlideShows can:

  • Display photos
  • Display videos
  • Use slide titles
  • Use slide captions
  • Use slide transitions
  • Transition slides at set intervals
  • Show the slide position

The process for creating a SlideShow has four basic steps:

  1. Upload Images
  2. Create Slides from the images you uploaded
  3. Create the Slide Collection by choosing slides and configuring display options
  4. Arrange the Order of your Slides

1. Upload Images

Slides can contain images and videos.

Upload all the images and videos you wish to include in the slideshow. For assistance, please see Add a New Image and Add a BrownVideo to Your BrownSite.

*Note: * Images should be high-resolution so that they fill the width of the slideshow (i.e., at least 510 pixels wide).

*Note: *Videos will likely be high-resolution enough. Remember to set a Preview image when adding the video -- this is what will display on the slide until a viewer clicks Play to watch the video.

2. Create Slides

  1. Log in to your BrownSite.
  2. Click "Slide" in the "Create Content" menu. 
  3. Assign the slide a title in the Title field.
  4. Select the tab for the media (image or video) for this slide.
  5. Select the image or video for this slide. When selected, it will have a yellow border.
  6. Optional: Add a caption. The caption text area acts much like other BrownSites text fields -- allowing links and font styles to put the caption to work! For assistance using this, consult Best Practices For Writing And Organizing Content.
  7. Optional: Select the position of the caption relative to the center of the image.
  8. Save the slide.

3. Create a Slide Collection

  1. Create the slides for the slideshow using the processes above.
  2. When the SlideShow module is enabled for you, a Slide Collection ("Homepage Slide Collection") is created by default. An administrative view for this Slide Collection has been placed in your Manage Content menu ("Manage Homepage Slideshow"). Click that menu item to begin editing your slideshow.
    • Alternatively, you can create a Slide Collection form scratch by going to the "Create Content" menu and clicking on "Create Slide Collection". Note that once your new, created from scratch Slide Collection is complete, you will have to contact WebServices in order to have it placed in your site for the public to see.
  3. Optional: Edit the Title field.
  4. Select the navigation type:
    • Thumbnails will display small still images of upcoming slides next to the displayed slide.
    • Dots (used on the Undergraduate Admissions slideshow) use bullets to represent the slides in the slideshow.
    • Numbers, like dots, represent each slide with a number.
    • Arrows show small arrows to the left and right of the slide that navigate to the previous and next slides.
  5. Optional: Enable or disable Autoplay, which starts the slide rotation when a visitor opens the page.
  6. Optional: If you enabled Autoplay, set the Slide Delay (the number of seconds between each slide transition).
  7. Optional: Select an Effect, which determines the way the slides transition. There are many to choose from!
  8. Select the slides for the slideshow. From the array of slides available, click on those you wish to use. Selected slides will have a yellow border.
    Note: Don't worry about the order of the slides, you can rearrange them later.
  9. Save the slideshow.

4. Arrange the Slide Order

  1. Open the list of all the content in the BrownSite. For assistance with this, consult View a Complete List of All Your Content.
  2. Find the slideshow, which will be listed under the title you gave it above. 
  3. Click on the title of the slideshow to display the stand-alone version of the slideshow. 
  4. Click on the Reorder Items tab.
  5. Drag the slides (labelled by their titles) into the correct order.
  6. Save the slideshow.
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