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Insert and Edit Links

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Both images and text can be turned into links. How you create the link depends upon what you are linking to.

To link to a page in your web site:

    1. In the Page Content section, highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.

    1. Click the “Insert Link to Internal Content” button in the WYSIWYG editor 
    2. Use the menu in the pop-up window to select the page you wish to link to.

NOTE: You can also link to a page in your web site in the same manner as you would link to an external web site (see below).

To edit a link:

    1. If you want to change the link settings, click (do not highlight) the link in the Edit screen.

    1. Click the "Insert/Edit Link" button in the WYSIWYG editor , which should bring up this dialog:

    1. Target = -- Not Set –
    2. Title = [optional] enter a brief descriptive title of the link, e.g. “Application form” or “lecture podcast.” The contents of the title field will display when the user's cursor hovers over the link.

  1. Class = -- Not Set –

To link to an external web site:

    1. In your browser, open a new tab or new window and navigate to the web page you wish to link to. Then, copy the URL (including the http://) in the address bar at the top of your browser. Return to the page in your site you are creating/editing.

    1. In the Page Content section, highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.

    1. Click the “Insert/Edit Link" button in the WYSIWYG editor 
    2. Link URL = Paste in the link URL

  1. Target = -- Not Set –
  2. Title = [optional] enter a brief descriptive title of the link, e.g. “Application form” or “lecture podcast.” The contents of the title field will display when the user's cursor hovers over the link.
  3. Class = -- Not Set --

To link to a file on your site:

    1. You must first upload the file. Once on create/edit page, click on Related Files. Browse to find your file and click the Upload button.

    1. Once your file has uploaded, right click on the file name and select Copy Link Location.

  1. In the Page Content section, highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.
  2. Click the “Insert/Edit Link button” in the WYSIWYG editor 
  3. Link URL = Paste in the URL you copied in Step 2
  4. Target = Not Set –
  5. Title = [optional] enter a brief descriptive title of the link, e.g. “Application form” or “lecture podcast.” The contents of the title field will display when the user's cursor hovers over the link.
  6. Class = Not Set

To link to an email address:

    1. Highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.

    1. Click the “Insert/Edit Link button” in the WYSIWYG editor 
    2. Link URL = Type in “mailto:” (no quotations), then type or paste in the email address (no spaces!). For example, to link to,

  1. Target = Not Set
  2. Title = [optional] enter the email address. The title field will display when a user hovers over the link.
  3. Class = Not Set

To create an anchor link:

Creating an anchor links begins by designating the landing point, then creating the link.

    1. Enter the text or image you want to anchor to (aka. the landing point).
    2. Highlight the subheading or key text.
    3. Click the "Insert Anchor" button” in the WYSIWYG editor 

    1. Give the anchor a descriptive name (use lowercase, alpha-numeric characters only; no spaces).

    1. Enter the text you want to link from (the link -usually near the top of the web page).
    2. Click the “Insert/Edit Link button” in the WYSIWYG editor 
    3. Link URL = #anchorname (pound sign followed by the anchor name you created in Step 4)

  1. Target = -- Not Set -–
  2. Title = -- Not Set --
  3. Class = -- Not Set --
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