Both images and text can be turned into links. How you create the link depends upon what you are linking to.
To link to a page in your web site:
- In the Page Content section, highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.
- Click the “Insert Link to Internal Content” button in the WYSIWYG editor
- Use the menu in the pop-up window to select the page you wish to link to.
NOTE: You can also link to a page in your web site in the same manner as you would link to an external web site (see below).
To edit a link:
- If you want to change the link settings, click (do not highlight) the link in the Edit screen.
- Click the "Insert/Edit Link" button in the WYSIWYG editor
, which should bring up this dialog:
- Target = -- Not Set –
- Title = [optional] enter a brief descriptive title of the link, e.g. “Application form” or “lecture podcast.” The contents of the title field will display when the user's cursor hovers over the link.
- Class = -- Not Set –
To link to an external web site:
- In your browser, open a new tab or new window and navigate to the web page you wish to link to. Then, copy the URL (including the http://) in the address bar at the top of your browser. Return to the page in your site you are creating/editing.
- In the Page Content section, highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.
- Click the “Insert/Edit Link" button in the WYSIWYG editor
- Link URL = Paste in the link URL
- Target = -- Not Set –
- Title = [optional] enter a brief descriptive title of the link, e.g. “Application form” or “lecture podcast.” The contents of the title field will display when the user's cursor hovers over the link.
- Class = -- Not Set --
To link to a file on your site:
- You must first upload the file. Once on create/edit page, click on Related Files. Browse to find your file and click the Upload button.
- Once your file has uploaded, right click on the file name and select Copy Link Location.
- In the Page Content section, highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.
- Click the “Insert/Edit Link button” in the WYSIWYG editor
- Link URL = Paste in the URL you copied in Step 2
- Target = Not Set –
- Title = [optional] enter a brief descriptive title of the link, e.g. “Application form” or “lecture podcast.” The contents of the title field will display when the user's cursor hovers over the link.
- Class = Not Set
To link to an email address:
- Highlight the text or image you wish to turn into a link.
- Click the “Insert/Edit Link button” in the WYSIWYG editor
- Link URL = Type in “mailto:” (no quotations), then type or paste in the email address (no spaces!). For example, to link to,
- Target = Not Set
- Title = [optional] enter the email address. The title field will display when a user hovers over the link.
- Class = Not Set
To create an anchor link:
Creating an anchor links begins by designating the landing point, then creating the link.
- Enter the text or image you want to anchor to (aka. the landing point).
- Highlight the subheading or key text.
- Click the "Insert Anchor" button” in the WYSIWYG editor
- Give the anchor a descriptive name (use lowercase, alpha-numeric characters only; no spaces).
- Enter the text you want to link from (the link -usually near the top of the web page).
- Click the “Insert/Edit Link button” in the WYSIWYG editor
- Link URL = #anchorname (pound sign followed by the anchor name you created in Step 4)
- Target = -- Not Set -–
- Title = -- Not Set --
- Class = -- Not Set --