ASK USER GUIDE FOR WRITING IN THE DISCIPLINES UPLOAD OPTION TO SATISFY Writing Requirement II (for the following concentrations: Bio, German, Applied Math (through the class of 2019), and Math (beginning with the class of 2019) )
Student Instructions for semesters 5-7
WRITING REQUIREMENT POLICY: Students must complete at least 1 approved course in semesters 1-4, and a 2nd approved course in semesters 5-7. Students concentrating in Applied Math, Bio, and German can also choose the WRITING IN THE DISCIPLINES OPTION: they can submit a sample of writing that meets the concentration’s guidelines in lieu of a 2nd course. Your advisor or a faculty member designated by your advisor will review and approve the writing. The writing must be approved by the end of the seventh (or penultimate) semester.
- Log onto On the top navigation bar, click Degree Progress > Writing Requirement then select Requirement #2” If your concentration allows it and you are in semesters 5-7, you’ll see the option to Submit a writing sample.
- Review your department’s requirements carefully. You may have the option to choose an advisor to review your writing sample. Upload a file and save.
- Confirm approval. You’ll receive email confirmation upon submission, and again once your advisor has approved your writing. You’ll also see the status on the Writing Requirement screen in ASK.
Concentration Advisor Instructions
- List your requirements and rubric for assessing writing in your discipline on your concentration’s website and in ASK. To do so in ASK, log-on to, navigate to Degree Progress > Declarations > Concentrations, then Options.
- Scroll to the Writing Requirement Document Upload section. Check the box to allow uploads, then enter your requirements and rubric.
- You’ll receive an email when a concentrator has submitted a document. You can also access submissions in ASK by clicking Degree Progress > Writing Requirement then select Requests. Click view.
- Here you can download the document, approve or deny the request, enter comments and save. You may also delegate the request to another faculty member by entering their name in the “Delegate Request” field.
The student will receive email notification of your action. If approved, the Writing Requirement II should be cleared in their internal academic record within 24-48 hours.