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Microsoft Enrollment for Education Service (EES)

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What software is covered by the Microsoft Enrollment for Education Service (EES)?

Brown University has signed an Enrollment for Education Service (EES) covering the annual licensing of certain Microsoft software products for Brown faculty and staff. The following products are covered for use on Brown University owned computers:

  • Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Microsoft Office for Macintosh and Windows
  • Microsoft Core Client Access License (CAL). Note: Students are also covered by the Core CAL.
  • The Core CAL (Client Access License) gives a user the right to access any of the following servers deployed on the Brown network: Share Point Portal, SMS, Exchange Server, and Windows server.
  • System Center Endpoint Protection

NOTE: Products other than those mentioned above are not covered by this agreement.

Users are not licensed to use the software at home for personal purposes. However, the following products are covered for Brown-related activities on personal computers owned by faculty/staff:

  • Microsoft Office (Windows and Macintosh versions)
  • Microsoft Core CAL (Client Access License)

NOTE: Windows Operating Systems may only be installed on Brown University owned computers. Home-use licenses are available to faculty and staff for a small fee.

Which servers can be accessed by workstations using Core CAL?

The Core CAL (Client Access License) gives a workstation the right to access any of the following servers deployed on the Brown network: Share Point Portal, SMS, Exchange Server, and Windows server. Terminal Services CALs for Windows Server are NOT included.

Do students have access to Microsoft products?

Students are eligible to install Office 365 from Brown's Software Catalog, and are also covered by the Core CALs (Client Access License).

Student computers are not covered by the Microsoft EES, but are available for use in the public computing labs. Students who wish to use Microsoft products on their own computers, and do not already own a personal copy, are encouraged to purchase their own copy. See information about free and discounted student software.

Are affiliated hospitals covered by EES?

No, Microsoft excludes them as follows: "Hospitals...are NOT eligible to be included as part of an Educational Institution's EES..."

Am I an eligible faculty or staff member?

All faculty and staff who are paid by Brown University are eligible for software covered under our Microsoft EES.

How can I obtain these products?

Microsoft EES software can be downloaded from Brown's Software Catalog by Brown-paid faculty and staff. The installation and use of this software is restricted by the terms of the EES Agreement. Students are not eligible to purchase software under our EES Agreement with Microsoft.

Office 365 is available to students from Brown's Software Catalog, and discounted student software may be obtained directly from Microsoft. For questions or assistance, e-mail Software_Services or call 863-HELP (4357).

For other Microsoft products, contact your Departmental Computing Coordinator (DCC) or submit your request to either Software_Services or the Brown Help Desk. Also, see Microsoft Select Plus purchase information.

User license information

When you install this software, you are NOT purchasing a license and you may not resell, rent or transfer the license to anyone else. The licenses for software obtained under this agreement remain the property of Brown University, whether used on Brown-owned or personally owned computers.

Because the EES is an annual license, all copies of this software must be uninstalled from both personal and Brown owned or leased computers should this agreement not be renewed.

The minimum hardware specifications needed to run EES software may be found here.

If you have questions about Brown's Microsoft Enrollment for Education Service email Software_Services or call 863-HELP (4357).

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