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Monterey (macOS 12) - What Works? - Knowledgebase / Desktop Computing and Printing / Apple Macintosh Computers - OIT Service Center

Monterey (macOS 12) - What Works?

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OIT will be performing an upgrade of our file servers in the coming weeks. This document includes the new path to Brown’s department file services. 

If you are referencing this document before March 24, 2025, please use the term “” anywhere you see “”. After March 24 at 7am, will be active.

On Monday, October 25, Apple released its newest Mac operating system, macOS Monterey (macOS 12) which is supported by OIT as of January 2022.

Please see a list of software and its level of compatibility with macOS 12 Monterey below.

Software/ServiceDescriptionMonterey CompatibilityApple Silicon Compatibility
Adobe CCThe latest version of most Adobe CC apps are compatible,
AirMediaTested successfully with version 3.2.1YesUnknown
BannerBanner is functioning YesYes
BitdefenderTested successfully with version (1.5.0)
Brown VPNTested successfully with version 7210.2020.0827.1YesYes
CamtasiaTested successfully with version 2019.0.11YesYes (2020.0.19 and 2021.0.1)
CanvasCanvas is functioningYesYes
Cisco JabberTested successfully with version 12.7.0YesUnknown
DFSConnection to smb:// is functioningYesYes
DropboxTested successfully with version 110.4.458YesYes (Rosetta 2)
EndnoteTested successfully with X9.3.3YesUnknown
FastXTested successfully with version 3.0.30YesUnknown
FileMaker ProVersion 19.1.3 or later is compatible,
FirefoxTested successfully with version 83YesYes (Rosetta 2)
G SuiteAll Google apps are functioningYesYes
Google ChromeTested successfully with version 87YesYes (Apple Silicon binary)
KeyaccessTested successfully with version
LabVIEWTo be tested,
LyxTested successfully with version 2.2.2YesUnknown
MapleTested successfully with version 2020.0YesUnknown
MathematicaVersion 12.0 or later is compatible,
MATLABVersion R2020b is compatible, (Rosetta 2 w/ version R2020b)
Microsoft OfficeTested successfully with version 16.43 (Microsoft 365 and Office 2019), (16.45)
MyAccountMyAccount is functioningYesYes
MyPrintTested successfully with AirPrintYesYes
NVivoTested successfully with version 12.6.0YesUnknown
PanoptoTested successfully with version 10.2.0YEsUnknown
PPRINTTested successfullyYesYes
Printer DriversPrinter compatibility depends on vendor supportCanon, HP, and Ricoh support can be confirmed by model
Microsoft Remote Desktop (RemoteApp)Tested successfully with Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.4.1YesUnknown
SibeliusVersion 2020.6 and later,
SPSSVersion 27.0.1 is compatibleYesUnknown
STATA SETested successfully with version 16.0, (Rosetta 2)
WiFi ( as "Other Operating System", selecting "Mac OS X Lion or Newer" permits setupYesYes
WorkdayWorkday is functioningYesYes
ZoomTested successfully with version 5.4.3YesYes (Rosetta 2)
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Phone: 401-863-4357


Location: Page Robinson Hall - 69 Brown St., Room 510

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